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A Conversation with former California State Controller Betty Yee on Monday, April 15th @12:30pm PT

The Women Soaring Project (WSP) is excited to invite Betty Yee to a conversation about Asian American women in politics on Monday, April 15th at 12:30pm-1:50pm PT as a hybrid event taking place both online via Zoom and in-person at Sierra College in room D-12. 


Yee is the former state controller from 2015-2023 for California, the fifth largest economy in the world, and has been a leading advocate for people and the planet as well as a non-profit leader. She was born in San Francisco to Chinese immigrant parents, where she and her four sisters shared a bed in a one-room apartment behind the family's dry-cleaning business. Because her parents did not speak English, she began at the age of eight managing the books and dealing with suppliers and banks to help with the family business. Betty Yee will be the first Asian American woman to run for governor of California in 2026. 


This special WSP event with Betty Yee highlights the achievements of Women Politicians while bridging the celebration of Women's History Month in March and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Month in May. The event is being moderated by Sierra College Political Science Professor Betty Chan and Sierra College Student Senate President Joselin Pacheco-Hernandez and is endorsed by Sierra College's Gender Equity Committee and the Empowering Asian Students (EAS) Community. We hope to see you online or in-person soon!



Zoom ID: 891 3780 9358

Passcode: 508807



Location: Sierra College

Room: D-12



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